donderdag 31 oktober 2013

The last two Bok strips and new Pages stuff

And just like that it was almost November... I could write a bit about how long ago it has been since my last post, but I'm sure you all noticed that by yourselves. Anyway. I've got A LOT to show you guys.

First of all, the last two Bok & Buurman Bas strips. Due to internal issues, Bureau Bok can no longer provide me with news to poke fun at, so until further notice the comic's on hold. It's been a great run however and I hope to do business with them again sometime in the future.

Second: it has finally happened. A year after the second issue, Pages is BACK. Thicker, stronger and better than ever!

In this issue I'm starting a totally new fantasy-themed series, named Pawns. It's gonna be a big and epic story, which means I'm gonna have to draw a lot of pages for the next coupla issues... Because the 8 I did for this one just won't do. Oh, and SPOILERS:

donderdag 1 augustus 2013

Boys In War

Hey gang, remember how a bajillion years ago I posted this trailer for a certain video project my old classmate Didier Konings was working on? The one he asked me to help write? The one he had me* and a LOT of other actors ride all over the country for?

Well, apparently he put it online for everyone to see. So it is my (slightly guilty) pleasure to present to you all: the full version of Boys In War. Spread the word, tell a friend, tell 'em the tale. Oh, and enjoy the show.

*FYI, I'm mostly background filling in the movie. It was for the best.

woensdag 19 juni 2013

More Dutch stuff!

Haven't had time to upload some more Bok & Buurman Bas stuff here (the upper strip has been on Facebook for quite some time, though), so here's two strips in one post.
The upper one's about how youth prefers to read from screens rather than paper, the lower is about getting enough sleep and how computers don't help you get it.

maandag 20 mei 2013

Bok & Buurman Bas - part 6

Annnnd a new one. Actually, this one has been out there on Facebook for a while now, but I haven't had time yet to post it here. This one is about burn-outs becoming an increasing problem for people in their late twenties/early thirties. Scientists blame it on social pressure.

woensdag 1 mei 2013

Bok & Buurman Bas - part 5

Dutch-alert, but of course you already knew that. Research has proven that multilingual children are more able to handle multiple tasks at the same time than others.

maandag 15 april 2013

Bok & Buurman Bas - part 4 (Dutch-alert)

And the Facebook saga for Bureau Bok goes on! This one's about nagging at schools and the gouvernment trying to interfere, as the schools'  approach doesn't always work.

dinsdag 2 april 2013

Bok & Buurman Bas - part 3 (Dutch-alert)

The third strip of the Facebook comic I'm doing for Bureau Bok. It's about this organisation that helps kids who sat through their sentence in juvenile hall get a job. You can click it to enlarge it, but of course you already knew that.

By the way, until further notice Bok & Buurman Bas will only appear bi-weekly. Bureau Bok supplies me with news to make the comics about and they had trouble fitting that into a weekly schedule.

dinsdag 19 maart 2013

maandag 11 maart 2013

Weekly Comic (Dutch-alert)

A few weeks ago I've been asked by Bureau Bok to do a weekly comic for them. Today the first one went live, and (hopefully) many wil follow on their Facebook page! Check it out right here!