vrijdag 30 juli 2010


Couldn't wait until the weekend, eh? Don't worry, neither could I. So here it is, two photos of the entire Sapopera cast! A real shame it was already dark when I finished... Ah well, you can see what's on them. The series will be shot at daytime, so no worries about weird yellow light and all.
The sheet of paper on the background of the second picture is one of the two sheets from which I've been cutting eyes and mouths. As you can see there's a lot of paper left. That will probably all be used for the many expressions of our cast. It's a soap after all.
The grapes really hate me, by the way. Whatever I try, those eyes and mouth's won't stay put! Am I glad they are among the main cast characters with the shortest roles...

zaterdag 24 juli 2010


Or something like that. Anyway, I promised sketches, so here they are!

It's still pretty crude and all, but it's only to give Caroline an idea of what to put on the backgrounds. Oh, yeah, she's my awesome background artist, didn't you know?
Next week I'll be making eyes and all for them characters. Which means I'll probably have a sweet cast-picture to show you guys by next weekend. Yay! At last stuff's getting real! Huzzah!

dinsdag 20 juli 2010

And there was a script...

Sapopera NewsFlash: I'm done writing the script. All the voice actors have been sent a copy and we'll start recording as soon as possible!
Yes, I know there's been some time between posts. I've had some trouble finding a company for my second term of internship, but all's fine now. More on that later.
Anyway, we were talking Sapopera. Production will start pretty soon. Before the weekend I'll put some sketches for the backgrounds on and soon after that the first cast picture will follow.
We sweaaarssssssssssssss...
~ Sorry. Shouldn't have watched The Two Towers Extended Edition earlier this week. Ever since it's been Gollum all over the place... ~
Stay tuned!